Our real life Ultimate Escape Rooms are in Llandudno, North Wales. Don't forget to visit Ultimate Escape if you are ever in North Wales.


Welcome to Escape Online

This is the online portal from Ultimate Escape. We have been running real life Escape Rooms in Llandudno, North Wales for over 8 years and thought that people might like to play Escape Games even when they can't get to North Wales. The original computer based Escape Games were only for single players, but from our experience we soon realised that the amazing popularity of real life Escape Rooms is that they are played as a group - either families, friends or work colleagues. So thinking caps on!

Our first offering is called 'The Mole'. It is a game that can be played online by 2 to 8 players on any device with a good internet connection wherever they are in the World. So friends and families can get together even when they can't get together. There is even a messaging system within the game so you can chat whilst playing.

Visit our main website when you get a chance. Ultimate Escape.

The Mole

'The Mole' is set in the dark and dirty world of espionage. All the players are Spies, busy collecting secrets as they travel around the World. The winner is the Spy that collects all the secrets first. Easy eh?

Not so fast, my friend. Betrayal and backstabbing is commonplace, and Fedora Hats compulsory. Don't forget to have that cyanide pill handy, just in case you get caught. One of the players is a Mole who is silently passing the secrets over to the enemy. He or she could win if they get them all to the enemy first.

Players can expose The Mole by sneakily passing them false secrets and checking to see if their particular brand of misinformation reaches the enemy.

The Mole is likely to be heavily outnumbered, but they can recruit Double Agents to help. Oh, is there no end to the treachery?

Is your Mum the Mole? Is your sister a Double Agent? You'll have to play to find out!

To set up a game for yourself and your gang press 'Start a New Game'. To read the rules press 'Read the Rules' (surprise, surprise!). Or if you or one of your group has already set up a game and you have an access code press 'Join a Game' to start playing.

© 2020-2024 Escape Online - Ultimate Escape Rooms Llandudno North Wales